Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

US democracy tested by Trump trial

By ki0nk Apr20,2024

Not only did Donald Trump join the ranks of history by becoming the first former president of

the United States to be tried for a criminal offense, but he also made history by sitting in the chair of the defendant in a courtroom in Manhattan on Monday morning. In addition to this, he is getting ready to put the American judicial system to the test, which is currently dealing with a one-of-a-kind case: he is going to have before him a former occupant of the White House who is also running for nomination as a Republican candidate in the upcoming presidential election. The fate of this individual will be determined by a jury consisting of twelve regular citizens.

A situation that is anything but routine in a democracy that has already been harmed by the defeat of the populist in 2020 and its refusal to accept a peaceful transition of power. This tight confrontation between the criminal justice system and the turbulent politician also poses the risk of revealing the vulnerability of the individual in question.

An interview with Michael K. Fauntroy, a political scientist at George Mason University in Virginia, summarized the following statement: “The trials of Donald Trump constitute the most important test of Americans‘ commitment to justice and democracy.” It is quite evident that a significant number of Trump supporters appear to be more concerned with the welfare of their candidate than with the welfare of the nation. It was he that they selected over America. Nevertheless, they continue to be a minority in comparison to the vast majority of people in the United States who cherish democracy.

The former president, who is accused of falsifying accounting documents during his 2016 election campaign in order to covertly buy the silence of former porn actress Stormy Daniels regarding a previous affair, has been attempting, ever since the beginning of this affair, to shift the center of attention to pose not as an accused, but rather as a victim of a political crime, of a plot that is intended to silence him. A method that he continuously creates in response to the 88 charges that have been made against him by the federal courts and two municipal courts, that have been presented against him in four distinct trials.

Not only is Donald Trump accused of concealing a bribe in New York, but he is also accused of attempting to overturn the results of the elections that took place in Georgia in 2020, of encouraging an uprising on January 6, 2021, and of haphazardly handling secret documents at his private residence in Mar-a-Lago. These are just some of the allegations that have been made against him.

At the moment of his entrance at the Manhattan courthouse, on the very first day of this historic trial, Donald Trump once again condemned what he referred to as a “political persecution.” According to him, this persecution was orchestrated by the administration of Democratic President Joe Biden. During his trial, he referred to it as “an attack on America.”

One day later, on his social network, the individual condemned what he called “interference” by the court system “in the elections” that were currently taking place. As soon as he arrived in court, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that he was compelled to be present in a courtroom when he “should be right now campaigning in Pennsylvania and Florida, in many other states, in Carolina North, Georgia.” According to him, all of this is done in order to bolster his reputation as a man of integrity, a patriot who is dedicated to the protection of the common good, and someone who is resentfully subjected to abnormal treatment and controlled by his adversaries.

Nixon is not who Trump is.
A jurist named Catherine J. Ross, who specializes in law and the American Constitution, was called by Le Devoir at George Washington University. She assured Le Devoir that “being the first ex-president to be indicted and tried does not require special treatment.” .. “Not conducting an investigation into allegations of numerous crimes committed during and before his tenure and not bringing charges against Trump based on indictments handed down by grand juries comprised of his peers would have been considered special treatment.”

Richard Nixon was granted a comprehensive and unconditional pardon by Gerald Ford in 1974, following his fall from power and his resignation as a result of the Watergate crisis. This was the road that Gerald Ford urged for Richard Nixon to continue down. An operation that was intended to spy on Democrats in the office of their national committee in Washington was orchestrated by the Republican government, which then attempted to cover it up. As a result, President Nixon was put in the position of having to face a procedure in impeachment on charges of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. This event holds a significant place in the annals of history.

Therefore, Ford chose not to confront the former president about his criminal duties. This decision was made in order to avoid contributing to the division of the United States of America and to avoid injecting animosity and resentment into the political and social spheres of the country.

“What Nixon was accused of was much less serious than the federal charges against Trump for reckless handling of secret defense and national security documents or for interfering in the legal transfer of power after Biden’s victory,” summarizes the professor of law Carl W. Tobias, who joined this week at the University of Richmond, Virginia. Tobias became a member of the faculty this week. When seen from this perspective, it may be concluded that Trump does not receive “special treatment.” On the other hand, many people are of the opinion that the crimes for which he is being indicted make him a dangerous and obvious threat to democratic institutions.

There is a democracy that is not directly at the center of the trial that has just begun this week in New York, despite the fact that one of its principles has also entered the courtroom alongside Donald Trump.

In an interview, a jurist named Stephen A. Saltzburg from George Washington University stated that “this trial will educate people about the fact that no one is above the law.” The idea that rich people in the United States cannot avoid culpability for criminal acts simply due to their social standing and financial resources.

To add insult to injury, he goes on to say that “it is also a test of the jury system because of the enormous publicity this trial is receiving.”

Two of the seven jurors who were chosen after a difficult selection process that took place over the previous few days submitted their request to be removed from the group of individuals who are responsible for evaluating Donald Trump on Thursday. They believed, after doing some introspection, that they were no longer able to be impartial enough to be able to do so. On the other hand, Judge Juan Merchan stated that all twelve members of the jury had been located by the time the day came to a close. As a result, this was accomplished in a significantly shorter amount of time than what had been announced by a number of specialists, who had predicted that the selection process would take two weeks owing to the nature of this trial and the primary character of the case.

Additional information is provided by Catherine J. Ross, who states that “this trial will also determine whether the judicial system lives up to the American ideal [of justice and fairness].” “There should be no favoritism shown to Donald Trump in any way, shape, or form, regardless of whether it is to his advantage or to his disadvantage.”

An opinion that is split
On the other hand, the accusations of interference, interference, and witch hunts that were launched on the fly by Donald Trump and his defenders in the digital worlds, on the airwaves of the conservative network Fox News, and on the sidelines of the trials that now accompany the political trajectory of the populist do not appear to leave public opinion indifferent by any means.

It is true that opinions are divided, with fifty percent of Americans currently expressing the belief that the former president will be rendered ineligible to serve in the Oval Office once more in the event that he is found guilty of fraud and bribery in this lawsuit. The results of a survey that was carried out on Tuesday by the NORC Polling Institute at the University of Chicago in collaboration with the Associated Press showed this information.

Perhaps even more unexpected is the fact that only three out of ten people in the United States believe that the New York prosecutors who are leading the legal attack against Donald Trump are treating the former president in a “fair” manner. Furthermore, only two out of ten people in the United States of America declare that they are “extremely confident” or “very confident” that the judges and jury in this trial involving the former president will be “fair and impartial.”

On the other hand, according to Michael K. Fauntroy, a political scientist, “Trump’s alleged crimes are far deeper and more dangerous than anything Nixon committed, to my knowledge.” All of the allegations that have been made against him are entirely valid. It is dangerous for the nation to have Donald Trump in office. In the event that the proof substantiates his criminal acts and he is found guilty, then he need to be subjected to severe punishment.–beber-t-para-la-hipertensin-presin-arterial-cardizoom-paraguay

By ki0nk

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