Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Although Telecinco terminated the show, the concept remained:

By ki0nk Apr18,2024

This brand new program, which will begin airing on May 6 of the next year, is going to be called “Not even if we were Sálvame.”

The difficult journey that ‘Sálvame’ has been on since its cancelation at Mediaset, which was also difficult, is forcing the program’s big team of partners to experiment with a variety of other multimedia formats. Following the completion of the Netflix documentary, the crew is reorienting itself to the world of social networks and internet platforms by releasing a new program on May 6. This show will be available on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitch, and X, among other platforms. ‘It’s not like we were Sálvame’ is the title of this paragraph.

La Fábrica de la Tele, the organization that was once responsible for producing the show and which likewise arose in the middle of dispute from Mediaset, has similarly changed itself in order to accomplish this goal. Currently, they are known as Fabricantes Studio, and they have established a channel that they name Quickie. They describe it as “the first free, live streaming channel dedicated to current affairs and television.” In this manner, from Monday to Friday, we will have the opportunity to retrieve Belén Esteban, María Patiño, Lydia Lozano, Víctor Sandoval, Chelo García Cortés, and Kiko Matamoros.

Kiko Hernández and Terelu Campos are the only one of the important individuals that are not present. As a result of her cooperation with TVE and her return to Telecinco in the debates of ‘Survives!’, the latter is the one who is finding a more fulfilling work life following the conclusion of ‘Sálvame.’ This is due to the fact that her sister Carmen Borrego is a participant in the discussions. The individual who will be in charge of presenting this stage is going to be María Patiño, and David Valldeperas, who is also one of the directors of the program (and also the Netflix series), will be in charge of directing.

According to Óscar Cornejo, the head of Fabricantes Studio, “We are aware of the complexity of transferring a universe and a narrative that was born on television to a digital environment.” The reason for this is crystal clear: “for the time being, we will begin with a testing period that will last for two months (May and June), after which we will adjust and return in September, when summer will have returned.” ‘Sálvame’ comes back, and it does so in an inhospitable environment.

This presents quite a problem, given that the shows will continue to be broadcast from Monday to Friday and in blocks of at least five hours each. In order to determine whether or not they are successful in attracting viewers from the competitive afternoons of traditional television, we will need to keep a close eye on matters.

After only ten years since its inception, the “Golden Visa” program that Spain has been running might soon be coming to an end. On Monday, El País reported that the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migration, which is led by José Luis Escrivá, was examining the possibility of tightening or eliminating certain provisions of the Ley de Emprendedores, which is a law that was passed in 2013 and essentially allowed foreigners to acquire Spanish (and consequently EU) residency by investing in real estate.

To entice company owners who would invest in companies, as the name of the law suggests, was the ostensible motive behind the creation of the law. In reality, however, the objective was to generate revenue and to assist in stabilizing Spain’s ailing real estate market, which had completely collapsed in the aftermath of the financial crisis that occurred in 2007 and 2008.

In order to obtain a “Golden Visa,” the law established a series of investment minimums. These minimums included two million euros in Spanish government bonds, one million euros in shares in a Spanish firm or investment fund, and the most accessible minimum, five hundred thousand euros in Spanish real estate.

You guessed it right! The majority of respondents decided with the inexpensive option. According to El País, the plan, which enables the investor to bring in a spouse or partner, children, and senior relatives they are caring for, had successfully provided resident visas to a total of 31,000 individuals, with 94% of them coming through the real estate option.

However, since the statute was enacted, things have undergone new developments. There has been a significant rebound in the housing market. According to Idealista, prices are only 7.2% below their all-time high hit in 2007, and in several autonomous communities (you know who you are—the Balearic and Canary Islands and Madrid), prices have set new records. This is the case across the entire country.

Currently, the issue at hand is the accessibility of housing, or the lack thereof, which explains all of the programs that Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has lately launched to increase the number of social housing units and to assist young people in purchasing homes. And while a property that cost €500,000 in 2013 could have appeared like a luxurious luxury, it is today considered to be a home of the middle class in many places. This means that foreigners with income are preventing younger Spaniards from purchasing such a home.

The law, which was passed during the time that Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of the center-right PP was in power, has been met with a great deal of criticism from the left. In February, Íñigo Errejón, a former best friend of Pablo Iglesias and the current head of Más País, put out a proposal to cancel the visas.

He argued that the visas were responsible for encouraging real estate speculation and prices that drove people out of their own neighborhoods. According to Errejón, the visas provide wealthy with a “backdoor privilege” and transform Spain into a “sort of colony, often attracting dark money.” In that time period, the endeavor did not succeed, although…

But Errejón was not by himself. Back in March 2022, almost immediately after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Commission issued a call to its member states, urging them to “immediately repeal any existing investor citizenship schemes and to ensure strong checks are in place.” This was done with the intention of preventing money launderers and other undesirable individuals, such as Russian baddies who support Putin, from making use of these schemes.

Since that time, a number of nations have either altered or discontinued their Golden Visa programs all together. Is it Italy? In February, they made the decision to wind down theirs. Equally true for Ireland. Furthermore, on May 1st, Greece increased its own minimum to a total of €500,000. As a result, Spain is experiencing a sense of elation.

So what is Spain going to do? According to government officials who spoke to the media, the two options that are currently being considered are either increasing the minimum requirement for purchasing a home to the same level as that of investing in a business. The argument, which goes beyond driving up the prices of homes for the middle class, is that the lower threshold disincentivizes investments in more productive things, such as, for example, a business that has employees, or simply doing away with it entirely.

Many individuals are predicting that the minimum wage will be increased to one million euros; however, removing it would provide Sánchez with a double benefit. Not only would it help him get Brussels off his back, but it would also be beneficial to Errejón’s friend Yolanda Díaz, whose new party, Sumar, Sánchez intends to form a coalition with after the elections that will take place later this year. Additionally, it would be beneficial for Sánchez to eliminate the annoying and frequently embarrassing Podemos that he currently has in his government. When you have two , you have one stone!

Time is something that we hold dear and are aware of the fact that it is both a cycle and an instant, a combination of chronology and reminiscence. There is a place called Bucólico that allows one to feel a connection to the innocence, lightness, and beauty of the countryside even when they are in the middle of the city. Through the medium of a song, a slice of cake, or a cup of coffee

Bucólico, which can be found on Calle de Barbieri 4 and is only a few blocks away from Plaza Chueca, provides a sense of comfort and a sense of belonging to the soul.

After 14 years on the air, the media company Mediaset announced that they were canceling the afternoon trash TV show Sálvame. The show was a hot mess that featured a host and an endless parade of panelists and commentators who regularly engaged in live bickering, gossiping about sex scandals, storming off the set, and lots and lots (and LOTS) of crying. Last Friday is a day that will live on in infamy because of the news that was released.

When it comes to the pop culture that emerged after the financial crisis of 2008, it is difficult to convey how important Sálvame is. It was not only instrumental in the birth of the careers of a great number of people who are renowned for being famous, but it also became a television show that every granny absolutely had to watch. Additionally, Spain is home to the largest meme factory in the world.

The show went on for as long as five hours every single day when it was at its peak. Additionally, it was the show that introduced us to Belén Esteban. Inquiring, “Who exactly is Belén?” Well, she is known as “La princesa del pueblo” (The people’s princess), and she rose to fame after she ended her relationship with the popular torero Jesulín de Ubrique. She continues to be famous for developing memes such as “Hasta luego, Mari Carmen” (look it up), busting on Joselin, undergoing plastic surgery, and in general for being famous.

The company’s desire to rebrand the Telecinco network is a contributing factor in the decision to cancel the show, in addition to the recent decline in ratings that the show has experienced.

Alessandro Salem, the CEO of New Mediaset, has expressed his desire for Telecinco to transform its reputation from that of a home for trash television to that of a trustworthy source of information and professional journalism. In an effort to better compete with other prominent networks, such as Antena 3, the decision was made to shift away from the entertainment industry and concentrate more on political influence.

Paolo Vasile, who formerly served as the CEO of Mediaset, is credited with developing this type of television; nevertheless, it appears that Salem is not a fan of trash television and is more interested in content that is “elegant and family-friendly.”

It was not completely unexpected to hear the news. Sálvame was the topic of a new ethics code that was introduced by Mediaset in February, when the company was under new management. The policy prohibited political comments on entertainment shows, guests from storming off the set, and attacks on other shows that were broadcast on the same network.

During the final episode of Sálvame, which will be broadcast on June 16, Ana Rosa Quintana, a journalist and host of a morning show, will take over. Quintana is already in charge of the morning programming on the network with her program, El Programa de Ana Rosa. She has stated that she will continue to work in the morning show, despite the fact that the format of her new show is not immediately evident. If she is able to maintain a presence in both the morning and afternoon, she will become the indisputable queen of Telecinco.

For a number of years, Sálvame was the show that nobody watched, yet for some reason, everyone was aware of what was going on the show. And sure, it was political, despite the fact that it concentrated primarily on rumors, controversies, and tales from Hello! magazine.

It has been reported by El País that the national government and progressive leaders are experiencing apprehension on the potential consequences that this modification in programming may have, particularly during the year of elections. Jorge Javier Vázquez, the host of Sálvame, was known for his progressive views (he once stated on the show that Sálvame was made up of people who were “red and queer”), and Quintana, who will now be replacing him, is critical of the current administration and represents “the toughest media opposition” that is currently available.

Everyone had something to say about the cancellation, from Gabriel Rufián, a member of parliament for Esquerra Republicana, who defended the show during a press conference in Parliament this week for its “messages against fascism, racism, and homophobia,” to Gerard Piqué, Shakira’s ex-husband, who referred to it as “indecent…it’s all lies.”

In order to say goodbye to your daily dosage of guilty pleasure in a fashionable manner, we would like to share with you what we consider to be the pinnacle of Sálvame: their one-of-a-kind Valentine’s Day flashmob from 2017, which had the main cast performing “Can’t take my eyes off you” in the backlot of Mediaset. For all intents and purposes, it is just like witnessing one of those meticulously orchestrated scenes from La La Land, with the exception that it is not at all like that. Have fun.–ingredientes-precio-en-colombia-669691846

By ki0nk

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