Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Former US generals criticize President Biden’s poor planning for Kabul’s instability.

By ki0nk Mar20,2024

Two of the most senior American generals who were in charge of overseeing the pullout from Afghanistan after Kabul was taken over by the Taliban in August 2021 pointed the finger of blame at the government of President Biden for the catastrophic retreat.

They informed the lawmakers of the United States on Tuesday that the administration of President Biden had made insufficient preparations for the evacuation, and that the move had not been ordered in a timely manner.

As a result of the uncommon testimony of the two retired generals, the tension and differences that military officials had with President Biden’s administration during the closing days of the war have been brought to light for the very first time.

For the sake of preserving peace and order in Afghanistan, the Pentagon had recommended that the United States maintain a minimum of 2,500 troops there. The leadership of the military was also concerned about the fact that the State Department was not working swiftly enough to make it possible for the evacuation to start happening.

A judgment reached by an internal investigation conducted by the White House regarding the actions made by the administration is contradicted by the evidence.

The findings indicate that the decisions made by President Joe Biden were “extremely limited” as a consequence of the withdrawal agreements that were struck by former President Donald Trump in connection with earlier withdrawals. The report from the White House placed blame on the military, stating that senior commanders asserted that they had the resources capable of facilitating the evacuation.

In the last days of the war, when the Taliban were gaining control of Afghanistan, a suicide strike took place at Kabul airport, resulting in the deaths of thirteen personnel from the United States. Fear seized thousands of Afghans and citizens of the United States as they anxiously attempted to board military jets belonging to the United States that were evacuating civilians.

Over the course of time, the United States military was successful in evacuating 130,000 civilians before the final jet left the nation.

During their testimony before the House Foreign Relations Committee, retired generals Mark Milley, who had previously served as the Chief of Staff of the United States, and Frank McKenzie, who had previously served as the head of the United States Central Command, stated that the confusion was caused by the failure of the State Department to instruct the evacuation of American personnel until it was too late.

“On August 14, the State Department made the decision for non-military personnel evacuation operations, and the US military mobilized and deployed faster than any other military in the world,” Mr. Milley explained to reporters. However, he stated that the decision made by the State Department was made too late.

“The fundamental mistake, the fundamental flaw was the State Department’s delay ,” said the United States ambassador. “The decision was taken too slowly and too late.”

The State Department is the entity that is responsible for issuing evacuation orders; but, in the weeks and months leading up to the Taliban’s capture of Kabul, the Pentagon approached the State Department with requests for evacuation plans and expressed worries that the State Department was not prepared, as Mr. McKenzie explained.

“We had forces in the region since July 9, but there was nothing we could do,” Mr. McKenzie said, referring to the delay that was caused by the State Department as “the fatal flaw that created what happened in August.”

“I believe that the events of mid-to-late August 2021 were a direct result of delaying the start of (the evacuation) for several months, actually until things went to extremes and the Taliban took control of the country ,” McKenzie stated in his statement.

In order to provide adequate support for Afghan special forces in their fight against the Taliban and to enable control of Bagram Air Base, which could have provided the military with additional options to respond to Taliban attacks, General Milley, who was the highest-ranking military officer in the country at the time, had requested that President Joe Biden maintain a military presence of 2,500 soldiers.

It was decided by President Biden to reject Mr. Milley’s proposal and instead keep a smaller group of 650 soldiers whose primary mission would be to ensure the safety of the United States Embassy. Bagram was swiftly taken over by the Taliban, and this far smaller force was not sufficient to protect the city.

Since the withdrawal, the Taliban have maintained authority over Afghanistan, which has led to a number of significant changes for the people. One of these changes is the nearly complete loss of rights for women and girls.

During a meeting with Congress on Tuesday, the top two United States generals who were in charge of overseeing the evacuation of Afghanistan after it was taken over by the Taliban in August 2021 blamed the Biden administration for the chaotic departure. They stated that the government had not effectively planned for the evacuation and had not properly ordered it. As a result of the uncommon evidence provided by former Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley and retired General Frank McKenzie of the United States Central Command, the tensions and disagreements that the military officials had with the administration of Vice President Joe Biden during the final days of the war were brought to light for the first time in public.

In order to maintain stability in Afghanistan, the military had recommended that the United States keep at least 2,500 service members there. Additionally, there was a worry that the State Department was not moving quickly enough to begin the process of evacuating the country. These are two of the most significant disparities.

The remarks also contrasted with an internal review of the administration’s decisions that was conducted by the White House. The review discovered that President Joe Biden’s decisions had been “severely constrained” by previous withdrawal agreements that were negotiated by former President Donald Trump. The review also blamed the military, stating that top commanders stated that they had sufficient resources to handle the evacuation.

In the last days of the war, when the Taliban were taking control of Afghanistan, a suicide bomber detonated a device at the Abbey Gate of the Kabul airport, resulting in the deaths of thirteen soldiers of the United States military.

Concerned Afghans and citizens of the United States made frantic attempts to board military aircraft from the United States that were transporting people out of the country. After everything was said and done, the military was successful in rescuing over 130,000 civilians before the last military aircraft from the United States left the scene.


By ki0nk

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