Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Former President Trump ordered CIA operation in China, Reuters reports.

By ki0nk Mar15,2024

WASHINGTON – The According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), US President Donald Trump gave the agency permission to conduct a clandestine operation on Chinese social media during his second year in office.

The overall goal of the effort was to change public opinion in China against the government. Former United States government officials who have direct knowledge of this top-secret program was reported by Reuters.

According to statements made by three former officials to the news agency Reuters, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established a small team of operators who utilized fake identities on the internet to disseminate damaging news about the Chinese government led by Xi Jinping, while simultaneously disseminating information that was derogatory across the worldwide media. The media has never reported on this campaign, which began in 2019, because it has never existed.

Through the establishment of new military pacts, trade agreements, and economic relationships with developing nations, China has exponentially increased its presence on the world stage over the course of the last decade.

There were allegations that officials of the ruling Communist Party were concealing ill-gotten profits overseas, and that China’s One Belt One Road initiative was corrupt and an exploitation of poor countries by financing infrastructure projects. These allegations were circulated by a team from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Officials from the United States of America stated that the disparaging information had some basis in fact, despite the fact that it was discreetly injected by intelligence operatives with fictitious identities.

However, they did not disclose any precise data regarding these activities for consideration. According to two of the former officials from the United States, the operation was designed to instill panic among senior Chinese officials and to compel the Chinese government to focus its resources to tracking intrusions on the Internet, which is closely controlled by Beijing. One of these officials stated, “We wanted them to look for ghosts,” and they were right.

Chelsea Robinson, a spokesperson for the Central Intelligence Agency, declined to comment on the existence of the program, its goals, or the outcomes that followed from its implementation.

The unveiling of this CIA program, according to a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demonstrates that the United States government exploits “the space of public opinion and media platforms as tools to spread disinformation and manipulate international public opinion.”

The CIA program was a reaction to China’s aggressive covert activities that had been going on for years with the goal of increasing its influence on a worldwide scale. A more forceful response to China was something that Mr. Trump requested during his presidency, in comparison to his predecessors. It is a return to the methods that typified Washington’s operations against the former Soviet Union, and the campaign that the CIA is running represents this comeback. “The Cold War is back,” said Tim Weiner, who is the author of a book on the history of political conflict.

It was not possible for the news agency Reuters to disclose the impact of these clandestine activities or to determine whether or not the administration of President Joe Biden has maintained this counterintelligence program. The National Security Council’s spokeswoman, Kate Waters, declined to comment on whether or not the program is still operational or whether or not it exists at all. According to two historians of intelligence activity who spoke with Reuters, when the White House gives the Central Intelligence Agency permission to carry out a certain covert operation, the order typically continues to be in place even after the administration has changed.

Former President Donald Trump, who is currently the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president, has indicated that he intends to take an even more aggressive stance toward China in the event that he is re-elected in November. John Bolton and Robert O’Brien, who served as his national security advisers during the year that the authorization for the covert operation was signed, declined to comment on the matter. His spokesmen also declined to comment on the matter.

Paul Heer, a former senior CIA analyst for East Asia, stated that the operation against Beijing posed a significant risk of escalating tensions with the United States. This is due to the fact that China possesses a powerful economy and has the ability to strike back through trade transactions. The announcement made by the Reuters news agency was the source from which he personally learnt about the existence of this investigation. An example that is comparable to this is the situation in which Australia demanded in the year 2020 that China conduct a study into the causes of the COVID-19 epidemic. China’s capital city of Beijing responded by imposing agricultural tariffs, which prevented billions of dollars from being traded with Australia.

The order that was issued by former President Trump in 2019 came after years of warnings from the intelligence community of the United States and reports from the media that China was using bribery and threats to win the support of developing countries that were embroiled in geopolitical disputes. China was also attempting to sow division in the United States through front organizations.

Beijing adheres to “the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and does not interfere in the internal affairs of the United States,” according to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As a result of several cyber attacks on American corporations by both Russia and China, the previous President of the United States, Donald Trump, granted the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) increased authority to conduct cyber operations against adversaries of the United States approximately one year ago, as reported by the news website Yahoo News. It was not possible for the Reuters news agency to independently confirm this.

According to former officials, the 2019 order is more ambitious than previous ones. Not only did the order give the Central Intelligence Agency permission to take action in China, but it also gave them permission to take action in other nations around the world where the United States and China battle for influence. It was reported by four former officials from the United States that the program targeted public opinion in the regions of Southeast Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific.

“The feeling was that China was coming at us with steel baseball bats and we were defending ourselves with wooden bats,” said a former national security official who had direct knowledge of the permission. “We were defending ourselves with wooden bats.”

Matt Pottinger, who was a senior officer on the National Security Council at the time, is reported to have authored the text of the authorization, according to three members of the past administration. According to one of the former officials from the United States, the text referenced charges that Beijing was using its influence for malicious purposes, stealing intellectual property, and increasing its military presence as dangers to the national security of the United States.

Mr Pottinger told the Reuters news agency that he does not comment on “the truth or inaccuracy of assertions regarding US intelligence efforts”, adding that “it would not be fair to assume that I would have any real knowledge of the operations of the United States”. discovery of the United States”.

In areas where censorship might prevent information from coming to light or in regions where audiences would not give much credence to the statements made by the United States government, the United States is able to spread ideas through the use of secret messaging, according to Loch Johnson, a political scientist at the University of Georgia who studies the use of such tactics.

During the time of the Cold War, covert intelligence operations were commonplace. According to Mr. Johnson, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) distributed between 80 and 90 publications per day against the Soviet Union. In the 1950s, for instance, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) launched an astrology journal in East Germany with the intention of publishing pessimistic forecasts for communist leaders, as stated in papers that have since been declassified.

According to Paul Heer, a former analyst for the CIA, the covert propaganda operation against Beijing has the potential to backfire. China may use proof of the CIA’s influence campaign to back its decades-old charges of covert Western subversion attempts. This would help Beijing earn more support in developing countries who view it with suspicion with regard to Washington.

According to Mr. Heer, the message would be as follows: “Take a look at the way in which the United States interferes in the internal affairs of other countries and rejects the principle of peaceful coexistence.” “And there are places around the world where this message will take place.”

Moreover, dissidents, opposition groups that are critical of China, and independent journalists who could be wrongly represented as tools of the CIA could be put in danger by U.S. influence operations, according to Thomas Reed, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who has published a book about the history of political conflict.–india/?v=0–65f3d36a68168#goto5281

By ki0nk

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