Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Pentagon announces $300 million in Ukraine weaponry.

By ki0nk Mar13,2024

A WASHINGTON – An The Department of Defense will expeditiously transfer weapons to Ukraine with a value of $300 million after conducting an analysis of existing contracts and determining areas in which costs can be reduced.

According to a statement released by the White House on Tuesday, the military still requires an additional budgetary allocation of at least ten billion dollars in order to refill all of the weaponry that it has removed from stockpiles in order to deliver to Ukraine.

Since December, when it reported that money had run out, this is the first time that the Pentagon has announced that it will be providing assistance to Ukraine. In point of fact, officials have openly revealed in recent days that not only had they exhausted all of their available finances, but that they required an additional ten billion dollars.

During the time that the news was made, the ammunition levels in Ukraine had dropped to a dangerously low level, and the House of Representatives had been unable to move on with plans to acquire new weaponry due to resistance from Republican MPs. The United States government had been adamant for several months that it would not be possible for the United States to resume the shipment of armaments unless Congress gave its approval to the additional funding, which is a component of the budget plan that has been stuck in limbo.

According to the president’s executive orders, the additional funding would have enabled the Pentagon to draw from existing stockpiles, ship them to Ukraine, and announce new contracts for the acquisition of weapons that would replace these state-needed stocks. This would have been done in order to ensure that the United States military is ready to respond to any situation.

As the announcement of the $300 million in aid was being made, the National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated that “when Russian forces advance and fire artillery, Ukraine does not have enough ammunition to return fire.”

The United States Department of Defense has also taken action in accordance with another Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), which has made it possible for the defense sector to enter into longer-term contracts with Ukraine in order to manufacture new weapons for the country.

According to the Pentagon, the shipment would consist of long-range HIMARS rockets manufactured in the United States, anti-aircraft and anti-tank weaponry, artillery rounds, and small arms ammunition related to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

At the same time that Poland’s leaders visited the White House to warn of the escalating threat from Russia, President Joe Biden of the United States of America stated on Tuesday that an emergency arms package worth $300 million would be provided to Ukraine in order to provide support while Congress blocked further aid.
The interim cargo of missiles, shells, and ammunition for Kyiv, according to Vice President Joe Biden, was “not nearly enough” and would run out in a couple of weeks, leaving Ukraine outgunned by the invading forces led by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This larger aid package for Ukraine, which has been caught up in a nasty partisan dispute ahead of a probable election rematch against Donald Trump in November, has been blocked by Republicans, and the Democrat has urged them to quit obstructing it. The proposal involves sixty billion dollars.

“We must act before it literally is too late,” Vice President Joe Biden, who is 81 years old, stated during his meeting with Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Donald Tusk at the White House.

Russia will not be satisfied with Ukraine. In addition, Biden stated that Putin will continue his actions, which would put Europe, the United States, and the entire free world in jeopardy. He was accompanied by Polish and American flags and was flanked by his highest-ranking military and diplomatic personnel.

The White House stated that the $300 million package, which is the first since December, was made possible by using money that the Pentagon has saved on previous purchases. This allowed Vice President Biden to circumvent the House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans.

However, according to Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor for the White House, the conflict in Ukraine is currently in one of the most dangerous phases it has been in since Russia’s invasion in February of 2022.

After several months of stalemate in eastern Ukraine, Moscow has made a series of recent successes, which has sparked growing fears in the West that it may be getting closer to achieving a breakthrough as the conflict enters its third year since it began.

It was stated by Sullivan that the emergency supply of $300 million was “nowhere near enough to meet Ukraine’s battlefield needs,” and that it would not prevent Ukraine from running out of ammunition in the weeks to come.

According to the Pentagon, the supply would consist of items like as long-range HIMARS rockets manufactured in the United States, anti-aircraft and anti-tank weaponry, artillery rounds, and small arms ammunition.

An individual warning was issued by the head of the Central Intelligence Agency regarding the consequences of inaction.

What the Ukraine is experiencing is not a lack of bravery and determination; rather, they are running out of ammo. “And we are running out of time to help them,” Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Burns told Congress.

Poland is one of the NATO countries that has been watching the stalemate in Washington with anxiety. Poland is located on the border with Ukraine and has provided shelter to approximately one million refugees who originated from the conflict.

The latest threats made by Trump to reduce support for Kyiv in the event that he is elected president in November have also caused alarm among allies. In addition to this, he has called for Russia to invade NATO members that are unable to reach their expenditure targets for defense.

The leaders of Poland were in attendance on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the day that Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary became members of NATO. This event occurred less than ten years after Poland emerged from Soviet rule.

“The only message we should send to Moscow is that the West is united more than it has ever been before when it comes to Ukraine,” Polish Premier Tusk told reporters of the situation.

In the course of the visit by Polish authorities, the United States Department of State announced that it would be approving almost $3.5 billion worth of missile sales to Poland.

In reaction to Russia’s involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, President Duda suggested that NATO nations should raise their defense spending to three percent of GDP, which is an increase from the present aim of two percent percent.

In the Western defense alliance, Poland spends approximately four percent of its GDP, which is the highest of any nation. The United States, on the other hand, spends three and a half percent.

“Russian imperialism today must not be allowed to disrupt this stability and peaceful existence of Europe,” Duda pointed out to reporters.

While this was going on, the pro-EU Premier Tusk attempted to allay concerns that his ongoing conflict with the right-wing Polish president might have an impact on Warsaw’s commitment to Ukraine.

The latest threats made by Trump to reduce support for Kyiv in the event that he is elected president in November have also caused alarm among allies. In addition to this, he has called for Russia to invade NATO members that are unable to reach their expenditure targets for defense.

The leaders of Poland were in attendance on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the day that Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary became members of NATO. This event occurred less than ten years after Poland emerged from Soviet rule.

“The only message we should send to Moscow is that the West is united more than it has ever been before when it comes to Ukraine,” Polish Premier Tusk told reporters of the situation.

In the course of the visit by Polish authorities, the United States Department of State announced that it would be approving almost $3.5 billion worth of missile sales to Poland.

In reaction to Russia’s involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, President Duda suggested that NATO nations should raise their defense spending to three percent of GDP, which is an increase from the present aim of two percent percent.

In the Western defense alliance, Poland spends approximately four percent of its GDP, which is the highest of any nation. The United States, on the other hand, spends three and a half percent.

“Russian imperialism today must not be allowed to disrupt this stability and peaceful existence of Europe,” Duda pointed out to reporters.

While this was going on, the pro-EU Premier Tusk attempted to allay concerns that his ongoing conflict with the right-wing Polish president might have an impact on Warsaw’s commitment to Ukraine.

“Poland will be a solid and lasting member of the transatlantic community no matter who wins the elections in our country,” Tusk stated to reporters.


Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, stated on Tuesday that Israel will continue its military attack in Rafah, which is located in the southern portion of the Gaza Strip, despite the pressure that has been exerted by the international community.

The number of those who are requesting that Israel refrain from entering Rafah has increased. There are around 1.5 million people who have sought refuge in Rafah, which is one of the few remaining localities in the Gaza Strip that has maintained a relatively safe environment.

Mr. Netanyahu made this declaration in a video speech that he delivered at the meeting of the pro-Israel organization AIPAC in Washington. He stated, “We will achieve the goal in Rafah while avoiding harm to the civilian population.”

In the meantime, Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor for the White House, stated on Tuesday that President Joe Biden will not back an Israeli military operation in Rafah unless civilians are safeguarded.

It was stated by him that the White House has not yet seen a strategy that is credible.

According to Mr. Sullivan, President Biden is of the opinion that the way to peace and security in the region “is not secured by targeting Rafah, where there are 1.3 million people, in the absence of a credible plan for the majority of the population there.”

During the time that Mr. Netanyahu was making these remarks, leaders of the European Union were planning to encourage Israel not to undertake a military ground operation in Rafah, as stated in a preliminary paper that was released prior to a summit of the group.

The draft statement that was viewed by the Reuters news agency stated that “the European Council urges the Israeli government not to undertake the ground operation in Rafah.” This is because more than a million Palestinians are now seeking safety from violence and access to humanitarian aid in Rafah.

When they convene on March 21 and 22, the heads of state of the 27 member states of the European Union are required to give their approval to this text.

BILD’s deputy editor-in-chief, Paul Ronzheimer is also a senior journalist who reports for Axel Springer, the parent company of POLITICO. Ronzheimer covers political news and politics.

— TEL AVIV Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has stated that he intends to proceed with an assault of the city of Rafah, which is located on the southern border of the Gaza Strip. This was done in defiance of Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United States, who has warned that such an offensive would be considered a “red line.”

On Saturday, the President of the United States stated to MSNBC that he was opposed to an escalation of the battle into Rafah and that he could not accept “30,000 more Palestinians dead.” This statement came in the midst of signs that the President’s frustration with Netanyahu was growing.

In the event of an assault on Rafah, which is located on the border with Egypt and serves as a sanctuary for approximately half of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million people, relief agencies have issued a warning that it would result in widespread civilian casualties. Annalena Baerbock, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, commented that it would be “a humanitarian catastrophe.”

Netanyahu gave the following response when he was asked on Sunday about the possibility of Israeli military moving into Rafah: “We’ll go there. They are not going to be abandoned by us. Having said that, I do have a red line. Do you have any idea what the red line is? I hope that the 7th of October does not occur again. This will never happen again.” In his statement, the Prime Minister made reference to the heinous raid carried out by Hamas, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,160 Israeli citizens and sparked the conflict.

Netanyahu asserted that he has the implicit support of several Arab leaders for moving forward with the attack against Hamas, although he did not name any of these individuals during his statement.

He stated this in an interview with Axel Springer, the parent company of POLITICO. “They understand that, and even agree with it quietly,” he said. It is clear to them that Hamas is a component of the Iranian terror axis network.

Israel is coming under increasing pressure from other countries to commit to a cease-fire.

The exact number of casualties is a matter of debate; the Gaza health ministry, which is controlled by Hamas, has stated that the number of civilian dead exceeds 30,000. In addition, groups affiliated with the United Nations have issued a warning about an impending famine. The first deaths resulting from malnutrition have already been documented, which prompted the European Union to provide a sea corridor in order to transport aid from Cyprus. During the interview, Netanyahu asserted that the sea convoy was his idea, and he denied that Palestinians were starving. The Israeli authorities have been condemned for preventing the delivery of humanitarian assistance by land.

In addition, he forecast that the confrontation might be over in as little as one month.

More than three quarters of Hamas’ fighting terrorism units have been annihilated by our forces. As for the final phase of the conflict, the Israeli leader stated that we are getting very close to completing it. The duration of the conflict would not be “more than two months.”

He continued by saying, “Perhaps six weeks, maybe four.”

Also, Netanyahu provided his own estimates of his own death. His statement indicated that around 13,000 Palestinian fighters had been killed, while the civilian mortality rate was estimated to be between one and one and a half for every combatant. That would put the overall number of people dead, including both civilians and fighters, at a minimum of 26,000.

He also denied the concept of a cease-fire during the holy month of Ramadan, which is observed by Muslims. He stated that although he would “like to see another hostage release,” he did not see any “breakthrough in the negotiations.” He went on to stress that if there is not a release, there would not be a stop in the combat.

At the same time, the Prime Minister of Israel reaffirmed his position that he does not support the establishment of a Palestinian state. This is a contentious issue that pits Israel against the majority of the rest of the world.

He stated, “The positions that I advocate for are supported by the overwhelming majority of Israelis who say to you after October 7: ‘We don’t want to see a Palestinian state.'” the majority of Israelis are in agreement with my stance.

A direct response was also given by Netanyahu to accusations from Vice President Joe Biden, who has stated that the Israeli leader is “hurting Israel more than helping Israel.”

Netanyahu responded by stating that he did not know “exactly what the president meant,” but if Biden was implying that he was going against the wishes or interests of Israel, then he was “wrong on both counts.”

“My position, which states that we ought to resoundingly reject the attempt to ram a Palestinian state down our throats, is also supported by the Israeli people,” I said. Netanyahu stated that this is something that they are in agreement with.

When Netanyahu was asked about the European perspective that there is no possibility of peace without a deal that involves two states, he responded, “Yeah, they would say it.” On the other hand, they fail to comprehend that the absence of peace is not due to the fact that the Palestinians do not possess a state. There is a reason for this: the Jews have a state. Furthermore, the Palestinians have not yet reached a point where they are willing to acknowledge and accept the existence of the Jewish state.

Despite the fact that Netanyahu defined the situation as a shift in Palestinian “leadership” and “culture,” he continued to demand that Israel should have complete security control over all Arab territory that is located west of the Jordan River.

In spite of this, the leader of Israel was cautious in his criticism of his American counterpart, and he was even more hesitant when asked whether he would prefer Donald Trump, the nominee for the Republican party. He stated, “The very last thing I want to do is enter the political arena in the United States of America.”

In the run-up to the election in the United States that will take place in November, it is becoming increasingly vital for Vice President Biden to avoid alienating the left wing of the Democratic Party. In the meantime, reports from polls indicate that Israel continues to have widespread support among voters in the United States.

Netanyahu, on the other hand, has had his domestic position severely damaged as a result of the strikes carried out by Hamas on October 7th. He is now required to appease his own people, despite the fact that the United States continues to give Israel with essential military and diplomatic support.

He left open the possibility of a military operation in order to facilitate the return of people who have fled their homes in northern Israel due to fear of cross-border attacks by the Shiite militia group. This was in response to the contentious question of whether or not Israel would need to expand its campaign to combat Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

The reason they have fled their homes is because they are afraid that Hezbollah will commit the same killings in the northern border with Lebanon as Hamas committed in the border with Gaza. As a result, we will do everything in our power to bring them back home and restore their sense of security… Should it be necessary for us to employ military methods, we will do so. As long as there is a polite manner to accomplish it, that is OK. Nevertheless, we will succeed in the end.”

By ki0nk

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